Saturday 6 October 2012

Possible Costume Ideas for Main Artist

I drew 5 different costume designs that I thought would be appropriate for our music video on Rita's Ora's song 'Love and War.' I included fashion that was inspired from the military, and created some casual looks as Rita Ora appears to be wearing casual in a lot her music videos such. I included some pictures from the internet to make it clear what sort of clothing I drew. 

1). This outfit has a leather jacket, a plain crop top and dark shorts with a loose belt around the hip. It includes dark military style boots with thick socks. 

2). The top is baggy with a flag printed on it to link with the war theme, preferably the UK flag, but doesn't have to be. With that, there is baggy trousers with black high heels.

3). This is a white dip hem sleeveless dress that is short, but trails at the back. It could be worn with military boots and socks. I thought this could be good for when the song says 'white flag.' The dress could flow like a flag. 

4) The choice of this was an alternative to number 3 if we wanted a longer and more elegant look compared to number 3. It is a long, floaty white dress with no sleeves. 

5). Lastly, this is a short, sleeveless skater dress with a belt around the waist. This can be worn with tights and converses to create a youthful and casual look. This could be worn with a baggy and loose jacket. 



I thought the hair should fall naturally to suit the casual look of the costumes. However, we could put the hair up in a high ponytail as woman who are in the army have to tightly put all there hair up. It also has a serious tone to it, of which the song expresses about the strictness of not fighting with her boyfriend any more. 


The colours for the costumes will be dark and depressing to represent the artists feelings and upset. However, white can also be used to represent the lyric 'white flag,' and because it connotes innocence and elegance of the artist. It works well to contrast with the dark colours to make them stand out. Also, we could include some army pattern's into the costume to relate to the song title 'Love and War.' 

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