Monday 15 October 2012

Exhibition Research - Where will your music video be shown?

When researching TV and internet channels that exhibits music videos, we found the above list of media outlets that would be suitable for the music genre we are using for our music video (R'n'B). music channels such as Kerrang would not be suitable as they tend to focus on the rock genre.
Therefore the following music channels could be possible exhibitions to show our own music video.


This is a good form of exhibition as there is a variety of videos as well as genres. By watching Youtube you can be introduced to new genres or songs that you did not intend to watch. Therefore this may give us a wider audience than we first intended.


Viva is a music channel, as well as a channel that broadcasts reality tv and mature programmes such as 'South Park' which contains language. This music channel has a mainstream audience of teens and young adults, which is the audience we are aiming to attract with out music video.


Although 4music does broadcast videos that are related to TV programmes they mainly focus on music including music videos. 4music seems to centralise on the genre of R'n'B and Pop and what is 'hot' in the charts at that period of time.


This music channel is based around R'n'B and pop music, as well as the charts. Our song 'Love and War' is by Rita Ora who is a very famous artist, is associated with these genres, so her songs are suited for this music channel. They also have a radio channel, which means that they can also use radio as well as TV.


MTV is mainly aimed at teenagers to young adults. They broadcast a range od reality TV programmes such as '16 and Pregnant' and 'Jersey Shore' as well as music videos that are top in the charts.

Music choice (internet exhibit):

Music choice is a website that has a lot of different genres of songs and music videos which opens up a wider music choice for a wider audience. Our music video can be published here for those who go onto the site for R'n'B music, and whose who also like or look up to Rita Ora. You can create your own playlists of songs on the site when creating an account, acting as a personal music list for people to listen to whenever they are online.


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