Monday 1 October 2012

Lyrics Analysis

Analysing the mood

From looking at the lyrics we realised that there is a different meaning behind the words love and war. Instead of actually being about war or fighting it is more about the good and bad parts of relationships. For example she is singing about making love and not making each other angry or upset. Therefore the mood of this song is sad but also hope for their future together for loving and not hating.

Representation of the Artist

As the lyrics for 'Love and War' is about the ups and downs of a relationship, this may represent Rita Ora's own relationship experience and how she felt at the time or still feels. This may also represent her emotions which the listener/ audience may relate to. By writing / singing about subjects that relate to others creates a specific target audience, in this case older teenagers - early twenties. Most of Rita Ora's work is based around the subject of 'teenage life' this categorises her into that specific age group.

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