Wednesday 3 October 2012

First Ideas for Shot List

We will need to film both the artists singing there parts all the way through to enable us to cut the shots into multiple shots when needed.

1. introducing female artist - setting up dinner table/ cooking?
2. 0.20-  man pushes someone else away, shouting (close-up in slow-motion)
3. flicking between man and women for the first minute - include split-screen
4. lots of close-ups of artist and props - candles, plates, etc
5. high angle shot looking down at the boys fighting
6. man on floor against wall - cornered by a group of men - slow-motion as they walk up to him, frame man with groups legs
7. female artist drinks away her sorrows - wine bottles and glasses - close-ups, mid-shots, long shot down table
8. A range of shots as the male artist walks home, beaten up - wearing sunglasses, hoodie, etc.
9. Male artist knocks at the door - close-up of hand, mid-shot and lon-shot of him waiting
10. Female comes to the door - range of different angles
11. framing shot of male artist (wearing sunglasses) through a small opening of the door - shouting and fighting
12. She closes the door - shouting -lots of close-ups
13. long-shot / mid-shot of both the artists at both sides of the door ( to create split-screen shot)

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