Wednesday 10 October 2012

Micro Elements - Editing

Editing is the stage where the camera footage has been shoot, and is cut and manipulated with effects and transitions to create the final product. There are many techniques within editing to create a film, which can be used to create an effective music video:
  • Graphic match
  • Eyeline match
  • Continuity (Action match) 
  • Shot reverse shot
  • Cut away
  • Jump cuts 
  • Cross-cutting (cutting between two scenes of action that happen in two different locations. The characters normally meet up at the end)
  • Parallel editing (similar to cross-cutting, but edits between two different shots of action around the same location). 
  • Slow motion 
  • Ellipsis (when unnecessary action is cut out because it is not needed to tell the story)
  • 180 degree rule
  • Text (Title, actors, credits)
  • Transitions (dissolve, screen wipe, etc)

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