Thursday 18 October 2012

Evaluation of our filming session

Yesterday we booked out the camera and the green screen to start filming for our music video. I believe it went very well. We had reliable friends who performed in a professional manner which really helped when filming and they both had learnt and familiarised Rita Ora's and J. Cole's lyrics. We experimented with filming at different angles and close-ups, mid-shots and long-shots to enable us to include a variety of different shot types.  We decided to film outside as well as inside with the green screen so that there is a variety of footage to chose from when we cut and edit them together. I also experimented with the different focus, which I researched earlier on and have seen in other professional music videos. We had never used the green screen before, so we still need to figure out how to change the background on Final cut but the Youtube video that I found last week will help with the basics.
We also took a few photographs when filming for our music video. I will upload them onto the blog as this will help us when ii comes to designing and making the Digipack and when writing our evaluation at the end.

Below is the link to my previous blog post on how to add the effects with the green screen on Final Cut.;postID=5525011232370921747

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