The music video 'Dirrty' was released in 2002 by Christina Aguilera, feat Redman. It has received much controversy worldwide for the visual elements in the video. In Thailand, the video was banned for the Thai text seen in the background on the walls of the building they filmed in. In English it translates to 'Thailand's Sex Tourism' and 'young underage girls.' According to reports, the director and Christina did not know what the text actually translated into. Other than that, the video received negative views for many things.
When first watching the video, you notice the costume the female's wear. They wear little, revealing alot of flesh, with mini skirts, bikini tops, and even part of Christina's bottom is on show near the beginning with a medium close-up, and throughout the video while dancing. Speaking of which, Christina and other female dancers dance in these costumes, of which is in the style of dirty dancing (which contributes to the title of the music video). This depicts Christina and the other girls as sexy, where they even dance in water near the end to emphasis their bodies.

The location of the music video is set in an abandoned building with graffiti and a boxing ring. Both trespassing and graffiti are illegal. There are also other dangerous stunts of riding a motorbike in a dangerous way and place, and also playing with fire. This does not help to influence good behaviour of the audience (especially young viewers), but more of a bad behaviour that degrades a good society.
Furthermore, there is alot of male cast compared to female. As the girls dance in the boxing ring, they are surrounded mainly by men, as if they were putting on a show for them. The cage at the beginning and the barriers of the boxing ring dehumanise Christina and the other girls as animals. Near the beginning of the video when Christina is sitting in the corner of the boxing ring with men around here, it makes her look trapped as the men stand over her. This sets a poor image of women being looked at as objects, which does not set a good example for women. At 3:22 on the video above, the men hold Christina like a prize.

Christina Aguilera is looked up to by many people as a role model, but she is setting a poor example for women to be sexy, rather than an individual. For those who do look up to her, Christina's size also makes girls want to be just as thin which can be dangerous for their health. Her recent song of 'Not Myself Tonight' released in 2010 is not much better to support the female image as she uses the sexy image once more. Surprisingly, Christina has recently become a bigger size than she was which means she is challenging the star image.
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