Wednesday, 28 November 2012


We have finished the final editing of our video and are able to watch it back without having to change anything.
I am very pleased that we got the whole of the video finished in time, as I did not expect to get it finished by the deadline, however I now feel that if we had had a bit more time then we would have been able to improve our video a lot.
For example, there are a few shots that we did not have time to crop and therefore where there is a window behind the green screen there is a line of light in the shot that looks out of place.

There is also parts of the green screen shots where we spent a long time trying to get rid of the green outline around our singer when we put a different background behind her, but however much we tried and adjusted the settings, the green glow would not go so it looks quite unprofessional.

Another problem I have found is that when changing the background colour of the green screen, it has also changed the colour of our singer's face and arms, for example, when we changed the background to pink, her skin colour went blue.

I do however like how the Andy Warhol, different coloured, split screen went as it adds some diversity to the rest of the shots of her singing by herself.  I also think that where we filtered two shots together it looks very professional and makes the video more interesting to watch as there is two things going on at once.

Screen shot 2012-11-26 at 13.59.32

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